Getting Started in the Business

Become a Customer of GQI

By purchasing one or more of its products: gold coins, coin watches or other gold coin jewelry. As an example, assuming the retail price of a product is $770:

Image1.gif (15038 bytes)2 Ways to Purchase Product

Full Payment of $770

In which case GoldQuest ships the product immediately to the Customer. Or

Partial Payment Program

Retail Price: $770 Partial Payment: $370 + Shipping/Handling Balance: $400

Balance Payment Options: 1. Pay when able, interest-free 2. Retail Sales Compensation Program (RSCP)

GoldQuest shall send you the gold product upon payment of the balance. Should you decide to discontinue your purchase, the order may be cancelled and a refund in the form of a ½ oz gold coin shall be given one year after date of cancellation.

Note: Price are subject to change.
